There’s an incredibly common, useful design paradigm called ‘target-action’, one I first encountered on iOS. Basically, you’ve got a button that calls a function when something specific happens: maybe a touch or a drag or something. This is the basis of all of iOS’ user input.

So I thought it’d be handy to recreate something similar using the entity-component model. It’s pretty braindead-simple, but it seems to work okay for my purposes. It’s not quite as powerful as it could be, but given that I’ve already put together a game with it, I figure it’s good enough.

Here’s what the component looks like:

import luxe.Component;
import luxe.Input;

class TargetActionComponent extends Component {
  public var mouse_up_action : Void->Void;

  public function new(?_up_action : Void->Void) {
    super( {name: "targetAction"} );
    mouse_up_action = _up_action;

  override function onmouseup(e:MouseEvent) {
    if(mouse_up_action != null && cast(entity, Sprite).point_inside(e.pos)) {

And here’s what using it might look like:

var turkey = new Sprite({...});
turkey.add(new TargetActionComponent( function() { trace("I'm a turkey!"); } ));

The neat thing, and something I found pretty useful, is being able to rebind your target actions after creation. That ends up looking something like this:

t.get('targetAction').mouse_up_action = function() { trace("Gobble gobble gobble!"); };

The obvious next step is adding more triggers and actions for various input events. Touch events are a good thing to consider, as well as down-events, too - great for juicy, depressable buttons!